Sunday, December 1, 2013

Happy Halloween

Halloween this year was just as fun as always. I worked all month on costumes and wondered why I was sewing them instead of just buying them. This was real apparent when I finished Sarah's costume and she hated it and was kind of a brat about it. Not exactly what I was going for, but in all honesty it didn't turn out like it should have and she is 11. Anyway, she still wore it and I calmed down after her pre-teen attitude so Halloween was saved.

Woods Girl Sarah
Ninja Ben
This year was the beginning of different Halloween for us. Sarah didn't stay with the family for Halloween, but went to a Halloween party with friends from her class. She was so excited to go, but I'll be honest that it was so hard for me to let her. I wanted her home with us, trick or treating with us, and just spending time with the family. Sometimes letting your kids get older just stinks.  :)  She had a lot of fun, got lots of candy, ate pizza, and played games. I'm glad she had fun, even if I missed her.

Vampire Hannah and Witch Gracie
Buzz Dan and Karate Kid Adam
I took the kids trick or treating this year and Kenny stayed home to pass out candy and get some work done. The weather was great for October 31st and the kids enjoyed seeing their friends as we wandered the neighborhood. After a few hours or so, I brought the little boys back and let Ben, Hannah, and Gracie stay out for another half hour or so. Because the kids were off track and didn't have school the next day I decided, when trick or treating was over at 8:00 that we would pile in the car and go visit my brother Ryan. The kids loved showing Ryan their costumes and all the candy they got, and it sure seemed like Ryan enjoyed the surprise of having us show up at his door.

Fun with Uncle Ryan.
I love this pictures so much that I just had to include it.

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