Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Springtime Sledding

One of my favorite pictures from our sledding trip. It was a beautiful day.
It was absolutely beautiful in the valley this spring. Warm, green, and perfect. Beautiful weather made for fast melting snow in the mountains. We didn't have much snowfall in the mountains this winter so we didn't have to worry about flooding really, but we did need to be aware of the fact that our sledding days were numbered.  Because of this we decided to head up to Park City on April 28th to see what the snow pack was like up there. Luckily we decided to throw in the sleds and snow clothes just in case.

The ski resorts had closed a few weeks before, but they left great snow for sledding and as we headed to the Park City Ski Resort we quickly realized that this was the perfect day for sledding. We parked the car, got in snow pants, boots, and gloves (no need for coats or hats because the weather was beautiful) and headed up the mountain.

Ben was the first one to try sledding down the mountain on the sled. He took off without a second thought, but quickly learned that a ski slope can be really steep and can cause you to go really fast. Thankfully his crash at the end wasn't too bad (he just got the wind knocked out of him) and he was willing to try again. Next time he went down the steep hill, he insisted on going with Kenny and it went much better. Dad's are the best.

We all had a blast taking turns with the sleds on the smaller hill and sliding on our bottoms on the long, steeper hill. It was a perfect day. Absolutely perfect and we all had so much fun. Hopefully we can catch a great spring sledding day next season. For now, enjoy the pictures.

Kenny and Ben ready to go down the steep hill.
Dan in his orange snow pants. He LOVES his orange snow pants.

Adam enjoyed trying to throw snowballs at me.
Daddy took Dan and Adam on the not so steep part. They had a blast.
Getting ready to slide down the steep part on their bottoms.
Sledding down.
The kids had a lot of fun playing on the not so steep, short part.
Ben even took Gracie for a ride. What a good big brother he is.
Kenny took the girls for a ride and Hannah was scared to death.
Kenny said she kept trying to bail out.
By the end she was glad she went.
The boys loved sliding down the small hill on their bottoms.
Gracie and Adam
I took Ben down the hill on the sled. It was loads of fun.
Hannah posing for the camera.
My Sarah. She's getting so big.
All but Daddy(he was taking the picture) sledding down the steep part on our bottoms.
Sledding with Adam

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