Monday, July 29, 2013

Hannah's Friend Party

Because Hannah was off track for her birthday we had to wait a week to have her friend party. She handed out invitations the first day back to school and her party was on Friday March 22nd. She had a good showing of friends, 6 total, and had so much fun playing games, going for a treasure hunt, opening presents, eating ice cream, and just goofing off. I can't believe she's already 7. Where has the time gone?

Hannah and our neighbor Bri.
Hannah and Paxton
Hannah and her cousin Cadence
Hannah and Miley from our ward.
Hannah and her friend Trevor
Hannah and our neighbor Rachel
Listening to the first clue of the treasure hunt.
We had the kids go fishing off the deck for paper fish. It was a huge hit.
Hannah wanted a Easter themed party so she got a bunny cake.
Blowing out the candles.

Eating cake!

Hannah doing the Easter egg obstacle course.
Miley and Cadence enjoying the obstacle course.
Gracie and Sarah doing the obstacle course.
The Easter egg hunt.

Hannah and Trevor looking for Easter eggs.
Goofing around in the basement.

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