Monday, July 29, 2013

Hannah Turns 7

Hannah with her birthday presents.
March is birthday month and Hannah's birthday is the last kid birthday of the month. She turned 7 on March 16th and was so exited to be so big. Her birthday happened to fall on the Saturday before the kids went back on track. All three of the big kids were either off track or had their birthday on a holiday. They were pretty sad to not get to go to school on their birthday, but they lived.

Hannah had a lot of fun opening presents. She got a Skylander, a small treasure chest, a fishing pole, some Lego's, and a pillowcase with her name on it from Grandma and Grandpa Newbry. She was pretty excited and pretty pleased with all that she got. It's great to be 7!

Opening up her Skylander.
Looking at her treasure chest.
Happy to have new Lego's.
The pillowcase Grandma made her.

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