Monday, August 31, 2009

Fun At The Logan Pool

So, the last day we were in Logan we went to the local pool. Logan has the greatest pool for little kids I think I've ever seen. They have this huge pool that shallow enough that Hannah can touch in most of it. I can just let Sarah and Ben wander the pool and know they're safe. The kids and I, along with my Mom, went to the pool around 4:00 and we were joined by my cousin Kristin and her two boys. Later my Aunt Cindy and Dad arrived. It was a lot of fun swimming and enjoying the warm weather.

The pool also has 2 water slides. The kids LOVED the water slides. Gracie wasn't old enough (you have to be 2 and she won't be 2 until October) so the first time I went down I took just the 3 oldest along with Kristin and her son Braden (he's 2 months older than Ben.) When Hannah, who sat on my lap, and I got to the bottom we found Gracie standing with Grandma crying. She was sooooo sad that she had been left out. I decided to take her, even though she's not yet 2, and Kristin was kind enough to take Hannah on her lap. I had so much fun taking Gracie down. She laughed and laughed and screamed and screamed the entire way down. I've never had so much fun on a water slide.
Ben heading down the slide.

Hannah's turn on the slide.

After the second time down the slide I told the kids we needed to take a break and that we would slide again. It didn't take too long for us to get back to the slide. This time Braden didn't want to go so I had to have Hannah, who luckily was tall enough, go alone. Hannah didn't want to go down by herself, but with a little push from Mommy she went down. She had a great time and wanted to go over and over again. We took a break to have some pizza, but we spent most of the rest of the evening on the water slide.

Sarah Sliding

Mommy and Gracie's turn

The last slide of the evening Sarah Kate got brave enough to go down the fast slide by herself. Everyone went down the slower slide and when it was Sarah's turn I didn't see her. By the time the second, not Sarah kid came down it donned on me where she was. I looked over at the steep slide just in time to see her sit down. Grandpa and I cheered for her the entire way down. I was so proud of her, it was such a huge thing for Sarah because she's normally so scared of everything. As I bonus I went on the fast slide with her one more time, just the 2 of us. She had a blast and felt very cool. She even had to call Daddy and tell him what she did. Go Sarah.
It was a wonderful few days at Grandma and Grandpa's and we were so glad we went. We'll have to do it again next year.

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