Wednesday, August 26, 2009

More Fun with Nancy

Hannah and Aunt Nancy

After the fun at the zoo everyone went to Chuck-a-rama for dinner. We were joined by even more family members and there was probably close to 40 of us so they gave us our own room, which was good. Dinner was a lot of fun, but dinner with 5 little kids is always an adventure. Luckily there were a lot of other kids around to entertain out kids and to help us realize we weren't the only crazy ones.

The kids eating dinner with Kingston cousins.

Alixa, Kenny's cousins wife, with her daughter baby Jenna and her nephew baby Luke. These babies are 5 days apart and our Daniel was born right in the middle of them.

After dinner Kingstons, Michael and Sarah, Nancy, her daughter Loni with her 3 little girls and her other daughter Jolie and husband Rob all went to the park. The kids had a blast playing with each other and it was a good way to end a very fun day.

Gracie playing at the park.

Kenny and Uncle Cory helping Sarah and cousin Missy on the teeter totter.

Ben and Missy teeter tottering with Gracie (and a little help from Daddy.)

Playing on the tire swing.

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