Monday, November 3, 2008

#5 Is On Its Way

So the news is out. #5 is on it's way. Yes, we're expecting another baby. If this shocks you, your not alone. I was so surprised I screamed. What am I going to do with 5 kids? I've gone from absolute shock, to happy, to terrified, to overwhelmed, to whatever other emotion you can come up with. We're overall happy, but the shock still hasn't warn off. This little one is due the end of June so I'm about 6 weeks along. Kenny and I had been wondering if we were suppose to have another baby or not. We just didn't know. Most of the time it's hard for us to get pregnant (with Hannah I had to take drugs) so I guess God just thought that considering we were thinking about being done, he'd just give us one to show we weren't.

We're very grateful for the blessing of another baby in our family. The kids are excited, but Ben didn't understand how I could have a baby in my belly when I still have a baby (Gracie). When the shock wears off (if the shock wears off) I'll be delighted, but probably still scared. I'll be needing major tips from all you who have 5 or more kids. How do you do it?


The DeVito's said...

Wow! Congratulations! I can't imagine having 4 kids, let alone 5!!

Justin and Coralie said...

Congratulations, Katie! That is such wonderful news! :) I guess it was just meant to be... :) I hope you are feeling well. Hang in there. Maybe y'all were supposed to be out here, so you were closer to family (and to help!) for when baby #5 gets here! Congrats. :)

Sarah Jean said...

Whoohoo!! Bring it on! I think it's great and you are definately the woman for the challenge. You have great kids, they will all pitch in I am sure. Congrats!!

edsajadaha05 said...

Katie that is great! Hope you are feeling okay:)

Camille said...

Congrats, Katie!! That is so exciting! :) If we ever decide to make the leap from 3 to 4 kids, I know who to go to for advice. :)

Todd and Julie Worthen said...

Yeah! Congrats on baby #5! It sounds like it was meant to be! We are so excited for you!

Natalie said...

Congratulations! Other than running out of seatbelts I am told five is no bigger adjustment than going from three to four and the older kids will be a great help. You are very blessed!

Carolyn said...

Congratulations, Katie and Kenny! I am so happy for you guys. Having five kids will keep you quite busy, I imagine! But I'm so excited for you. :)