Monday, April 1, 2013

Birthday Party Time

Over the year's I've learned that even though Ben's birthday always falls close to Presidents Day weekend, that is not a good weekend to have a birthday party. The past two years we had his friend birthday the Saturday of Presidents Day weekend and only 2 or 3 kids showed up. I guess it's the perfect 3 day weekend to get out of town and head to somewhere warmer for a few days. This year, having learned my lesson, we decided to hold Ben's friend party the weekend after Presidents Day. It was much more of a success and he was so excited to finally have a birthday party where most of the kids he invited came.

It was a great party. We started out with a treasure hunt, played some games in the basement with balloons, ate pizza, opened presents, played pin the tail and just had a great time. He wanted to go with a Minecraft theme. For those of you who don't know what Minecraft is, it's computer tablet game that is all the rage this year. I told him he could have that as a theme and then quickly dreaded my decision  It was so hard to create or find games along that theme or to decorate with that theme. We ended up just kind of having a normal party and throwing a few Minecraft things in there. He didn't mind so much and next year I'll do better. (Don't I say that every year.)

The treasure hunt.
Trying to pop each others balloons.
Ben and Austin
Ben with Charley and Alex, our neighbors next door who Ben is always with.
Ben and Connor
Ben with twins Ian and Colby our neighbors in the back.
Ben and Tenoch
Ben and Zack
Pin the tail on the Minecraft dragon.

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