Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ben's Basketball Team

Ben wasn't as lucky when it came to basketball teams this year. That's one of the bad things about Junior Jazz. It's luck which coach you'll get and being that they're just parents of the kids, sometimes they're not the best at coaching. Ben's coach fell into not the best at coaching category. In fact, it was so bad that we allowed Ben to miss his last 3 games. When you don't get to play more than 1/4 of the game, never touch the ball, and when the coach doesn't even know your name, it's hard to make your kid go back. Ben's coach was very interested in winning and he had his 4 star players. They played most of the games and never passed the ball. During practice Ben was told to stand in one place and let the good playing boys run drills around him. He was told not to move or go for the ball. When Kenny asked the coach about this he was told that the boys are learning by watching. It was really a joke. My favorite was the game where the entire last half he had his 4 star players playing and the one remaining spot was left for the other 6 players to rotate to. Needless to say, they lost most of their games, which actually made me pretty happy. Finally with a few games left, Kenny took Ben to a practice and after being there for more than half the time and never getting to even touch the ball once, Ben finally walked off the court. That's when Kenny talked to the coach and we never went back. It really was to bad, but I didn't see the point in making him go through that. He still wants to try next year, but this time we'll sign up early to make sure Kenny can be his coach.

We got a team picture, but because we never went back to the games I haven't gotten it. I'm trying to find it and when I get it I'll post it. Sadly, I didn't take any pictures while he was playing. I meant to, but never got around to it and then he stopped going. Next year!

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