Sunday, May 27, 2012

Playing With Daddy's Toys

After Ben's baptism we were fortunate enough to have Grandma and Grandpa Newbry spend the night with us.  They had heard that Ben got some Star Wars guys for his birthday and when Kenny asked if they would bring his old Star Wars toys down they were all to happy to free up some space in their attic.  We spent a few hours visiting and watching the kids play with toys their dad had played with.  I'm sure it meant more to Kenny, but the kids enjoyed playing with his toys and now we have them all around the house.  Grandma and Grandpa spent the night and went to sacrament with us in the morning before they had to head back home.  The were able to stay for a few minutes after sacrament to watch Gracie give her talk in primary, which she really liked, and then they had to head home.  It was fun to have them in our house and to visit with them.

Playing with Daddy's Star Wars toys.
Trying to figure out how it works.
The girls really enjoyed the Ewok village.
Grandma and Grandpa enjoyed watching the kids play,

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