Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cinnamon Sugar Is Not Good On The Eye

After church on Sunday, March 4th, Ben and Sarah decided they wanted to sneak the remainder of the cinnamon sugar.  They snuck it downstairs during their reading time and took turns shaking it on their hands and licking it off.  It probably seemed like such a good idea and something mom would never find out about until Ben's eye started itching.  Without washing his hands he rubbed his left eye with his dirty cinnamon sugared hand and got some of that yummy stuff in his eye.  Not wanting to get in trouble for sneaking the cinnamon sugar downstairs he chose not to tell me about it for about an hour and a half.  By then it was hurting pretty bad.  I tried to flush it out, but it still hurt.  A few hours later Kenny tried to flush it out, but his still continued to bother him.  Finally before bed, his eye was so red that I decided to take him to InstaCare.  Turns out he had some sugar in his eye that we were unable to get out and it had scratched his eye, obviously making it hurt.  The doctor flushed his eye out really well, something Ben was not a fan of, and gave him eye drops and a patch to allow the cuts to heal.  He had to wear the patch for the rest of the night and have eye drops for a week to prevent infection.  Not a huge deal, but I think, I hope, he learned a lesson.  :)
Ben and his fancy eye patch.
On a side note, while waiting at InstaCare I heard a familiar voice and turned around to see my 3 year old niece running over to us.  It turns out my 1 1/2 year old nephew Cooper had had a bad fall off the patio steps and had a nasty goose egg.  April and JJ and their 5 kids were just leaving InstaCare while we were waiting to go in.  Kind of a funny place to run into family (funny only because both boys were fine.)

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