Saturday, September 11, 2010

Adam Meets His Siblings

All 6 kids! Hannah, Gracie, Sarah, Adam, Daniel, and Ben

All 6 kids, again (yes the striped shirts were planned.)

The morning after Adam was born Kenny brought the kids to the hospital to see him. They were all very excited to meet their new little brother and I was excited to see them. It was quite the sight having all 6 of our kids together for the first time. Luckily my hospital room was good sized and there was plenty of room for the kids to wander around. Adam slept through most of the introductions, but each kid got to take a turn holding him. Lots of questions were asked as we explored the new things about the new baby. The kids didn't stay long, it's a little overwhelming, but they were good while they were there and they enjoyed meeting Adam. Now for the pictures.

Sarah Kate holding Adam. By day 2 Adam was looking more like Sarah did when she was a baby.

Ben holding his little brother.

Hannah holding and loving baby Adam.

Gracie's turn to hold Adam

The best picture we got of Daniel holding Adam.

This is how Daniel typically held Adam.

Baby Adam

The little girls exploring baby Adam and asking lots of questions.


Carolyn said...

All of your kids are precious, and I'm glad it went well when Adam met his siblings! It made me laugh to see the picture of Daniel holding Adam. :)

Congratulations on your adorable Adam!

Mama Winn said...

Your kids are so brings back so many sweet memories...thanks for the smiles I get from your blog when I take a quick peek at the end of a busy day. Just got the sweetest thank you note ever from Hannah. I haven't seen a picture of me that looked that good in years! I put it on my fridge! Story behind the randome, not quite new looking back pack: I was in the Pottery Barn Outlet and they had this huge bin of back packs that had been monogrammed in error. There on top was a bright purple spotted one that said "Hannah" and I thought, for five bucks what could make a third child happier than a surprise package and a little individual attention! So glad she likes it. Forgive me when you have to unpack it every night to find all of your belongings that she has collected during the day throughout your house....we sure do love you. Love, Nancy