Sunday, September 19, 2010

Adam Comes Home

Ben, Hannah, and Sarah enjoying having Adam home.

We brought Adam home on Saturday August 21st. The kids were so excited to have little Adam home and to be able to hold him when they wanted. Daniel was especially happy to have us home. The time without Mom and Dad was definitely hardest on Daniel. It's taken some time, but Dan has gotten used to his little brother and is much better at sharing Mom and Dad. Here are some more pictures of the kids holding Adam when we got home.

Hannah holding Adam all by herself.

Gracie keeping an eye on Adam.

Daniel exploring Adam.
Daniel loves to take the Binky from Adam and then try to give it back to him. Adam's typically not too found of this game, yet.

1 comment:

MadMadameMim said...

That looks like a handful. You'll have to let me know how you're doing with a one year old and a new baby. YIKES!