Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The End of Birthday Season

We call the 2 months between January 29th and March 26th 'Birthday Season' at our house. There was a time, back when there was only 5, instead of 7 1/2, of us that all of our birthdays fell within these 2 months. Kenny's starts the season and mine ends it. It's normally a wonderful time filled with lots of cake and celebration, but I'll admit this year was a little less wonderful. It was nice, don't get me wrong, but I'm actually kind of glad it's over now. With the stresses of our life, my exhaustion, and trying to be happy in the mist of sickness and other things, I must admit this was the least of my favorite birthday seasons. Next year will be better. :)

As I said our birthday season ends with my birthday and so as March 26th approached I was anxious to see it come and go. We didn't do much, just took the kids to Walmart, but that was just fine with me. Kenny got me a framed picture of the quote, "Enjoy the simple things in life . . ., for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things." It's my favorite quote and it now sits on top of our bookcase next to our most recent family picture. I look at it everyday and I love what it makes me think of and how it reminds me to not miss a moment with my family.

The morning after my birthday we had my birthday donuts. Kenny had had a long night the night before and was sleeping in. I didn't want to wake him, so I went ahead and let the kids decorate their donuts without him. Big mistake. Sorry Kenny! How was I suppose to know he wanted to be a part of it? I felt really bad when he noticed what I had done and when he was very sad that he missed out. Next year I PROMISE to let Kenny do the birthday donuts for me. I'm lucky to be married to someone who would get upset over not being able to decorate silly donuts for my birthday.

Sarah's Donut! It says 'Happy BD (birthday) Mom FS (From Sarah)' We didn't have enough letters. :)

Ben's says 'Ben 31'! Good job bud.

Hannah's donut was a masterpiece of miscellaneous letters and beautiful frosting.

Gracie didn't care to much about decorating. She just wanted to make a mess like we do with the cakes.

Dan got baby food instead. It's OK he enjoyed it.

All in all it was a simple, yet good birthday. 31's not bad and I think I can handle getting older for a few more years. I'm still amazed I'm in my 30's, but I'll always be younger than Kenny and that keeps me happy. :)

My donut. I'm so creative.


Carolyn said...

It sure sounds like it has been a busy couple of months! I love the donuts. :) I hope you're feeling better and able to get some rest! Hang in there.

Becca said...

Katie, I can't believe you are having another baby! Are you crazy!? Just kidding, congratulations! I think big families are wonderful! The Lord is truly blessing you.