Friday, September 25, 2009

A Rough Second Week of School


Ben's loving school, but his first two weeks were a little rough. As mentioned in an earlier blog, Ben was sent to the principals office on the third day (I'm happy to report that he's done much better since that incident) and the second week was just as rough, but for different reasons.

There was no school on Monday (Labor Day) so the school week didn't actually start until Tuesday the 8th. Daniel had his 2 month check up that day and while I was waiting for the doctor I got a call from the school. The very nice receptionist told me Ben had been playing on the playground before the bell rang and he tripped over a backpack. The kindergarten playground is on cement and when he fell he scrapped up his face. She said they put ice on it, but didn't bandage it. She just wanted me to know so I wasn't too shocked when he got home. She said it was a minor scratch and that he was OK and wanted to stay at school. When he got home I was somewhat surprised by the 'minor scratch' on his face. It was huge and a little puffy, but he was very proud of it.

These pictures were taken a day and a half after the incident so the swelling had gone down.

He's so handsome even with a big scratch on his face.

What a goofball!
The next day Wednesday, went smoothly, but on Thursday my phone rang about the time school started. Kenny answered it and I thought to myself, 'gee I wonder if that's the school about Ben.' Kenny got off the phone and told me it was indeed the school. There was apparently some pushing while they were waiting in line to get into the classroom and Ben had been pushed down. He hit his head really hard on the cement and his teacher was worried he may have a concussion. I went to the school to check on him and just make sure he was OK.
When I got there the receptionist was very sweet and very apologetic. She said when they brought Ben into the office the first thing that went through her head was, 'Oh no, now I have to call his Mother again.' I checked on him and determined he was just fine. He told me he was pushed and that he and the kid that pushed him had to go to the office (for different reasons of course.) The poor boy had a rough week, but if you ask him how school was he would tell you it's wonderful. I guess that's all that matters.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

That looks like a pretty severe "minor scratch." Poor Ben. It does sound like he had a rough couple of weeks at school! Hopefully it'll just improve from here on out. :)