Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Sunday

Our family after Church on Easter Sunday.
I can't believe how many kids I have and how big they are.
We had a wonderful Easter this year. After Baby Animal Days in Logan, we headed up to Grace to spend Easter. Aunt Sarah and her boys joined us at Grandma and Grandpa Newbry's for a night of fun and a morning of Easter Egg Hunting before they had to head home in time for church. The kids played well Saturday night, but they were VERY tired from the late night the night before and then their long day at the farm. We put the kids to bed at a normal time (8:00)and then spent the next few hours talking and catching up. It's so nice to be with adults and I'm realizing how much I crave that time. It was very enjoyable, but it was getting late so everyone went to bed and Kenny and I filled Easter Eggs and hid them around the upstairs for the hunt the next morning.
Sunday morning came too quickly and the kids were up and excited for their Easter Egg Hunt. There were 6 kids (my 4 and Sarah's 2 boys) so we divided the eggs into 2 rooms. The first room was for the 3 and under (Hannah, Trent, and Gracie.) Trent wasn't too into it, but my girls had a blast. The older kids did a good job watching and helping Gracie when she needed it. I was proud of how patient the big kids were especially considering how excited they were. Next it was the big kids room in the old studio. We hid the eggs a little harder for them, but Sarah, Ben, and Travis found all of them in no time. Everyone had fun and we ended up with way too much candy (Sarah, next time you HAVE to take some home.) It was nice to be able to spend the morning with cousins and enjoy an egg hunt together. We're so lucky to have family around.
Ben, Travis, and Sarah emptying out all their Easter Eggs after the Easter Egg Hunt.

After the Easter Egg Hunt, Sarah and the boys had to leave and we had to get our family ready for church. Grandma and Grandpa had Stake Conference which was less than ideal for us, but I was very impressed with how well our kids did. We left about 30 minutes before it ended and allowed Grandma and Grandpa to enjoy the rest of conference in peace. When we got back to Grandma's house it was nap time (my favorite time of day) and thanks to Kenny (I was napping along with the kids) the Easter Bunny came and filled baskets for the kids. They got more candy and a lot of play dough to share. Everyone was very excited except Sarah who is now 7 and starting in that I'm entitled to everything stage. She was a huge stinker asking, "Is this all we got," and I got a glimpse of what may be to come. We were very disappointed in her reaction, but pleased with the other kids who were grateful and happy. We're working on Sarah (any tips?)
Ben decapitating his marshmallow chocolate bunny.
Gracie with the traditional Easter candy face.
Sarah (after her stinkerness.)
Hannah's at the perfect age where everything is wonderful, even Grandma opening a Laffy Taffy.
Easter Dinner

After seeing the Easter Bunnies treasures it was off to a wonderful Easter dinner provided by Grandma. Grandma cooked a very good dinner and we were grateful to be able to enjoy a traditional Easter ham dinner. After dinner Kenny and the big kids flew kites and then he took all the kids for a dip in the hot tub while I packed up to leave. We made it home just after 8:00 which was perfect because Sarah had school then next morning. All in all it was a very busy, but fun Easter Sunday. We feel so blessed to be close to family so we can spend more time with them. We're grateful for the Easter holiday and for the time we get to reflect on the sacrifice Christ made for each of us.
Sarah and Gracie in the hot tub.
I love this picture because I think they look so much like sister.
Another great picture.
I don't like tooting my own horn, but my kids are awfully cute.


Carolyn said...

You're right - your kids are awfully cute! I'm glad you guys had such a fun Easter. It is nice to live close to family and to be able to spend time with them.

Sarah Jean said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun after we left! Good Easter memories. Thanks for letting my boys join in the hunt and snack on candy.

Camille said...

They ARE cute! :) Sarah and Gracie do look a lot alike. Hey, I heard about some Titantic exhibit up your way... Have you gone yet?