Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Baby Animal Days

The best picture we got of the kids.

This year we combined our Easter celebration by going to both Logan and Grace. We left Friday night (later than we planned, surprise) and headed to my Mom and Dad's. We arrived around 8:00 and let the kids stay up way to late playing with Grandma and Grandpa. We got up Saturday morning, did a little more playing, and then headed to Baby Animal Days with Grandma and Grandpa. Baby Animal Days is located at an old farm called the Jensen Historical Farm. It has a lot of old buildings and tries to portray what life was like back in the late 1800's. We thought it would be cute to take some spring pictures of the kids at the farm, but discovered that there was too many people and our kids were not interested in cooperating (neither was the weather for that matter.) After attempting to take pictures we decided lunch might not be a bad idea so we ran to Burger King and ate while waiting for Grandma and Grandpa Newbry and Aunt Sarah and her boys. After lunch we met up with everyone back at the farm to enjoy the baby animals.
Gracie kissing a goat. She LOVES to give kisses.

Sarah petting the pigs.

Ben holding a baby chick.
Hannah with a baby duck.
The boys! Trenton, Travis, and Ben. We've had so much fun being close to boy cousins for Ben and were so glad they were able to come.

We had a wonderful time with our family and the baby animals. We started out by exploring the old barn and playing some instruments, the kids pet some large oxen and played bean bags toss. After all that fun we headed over to see some baby animals. We started out with the baby goats. They were very cute and the kids had a blast petting them and holding them. Next the big kids tried shooting a bow and arrow (it was a lot harder than they thought it would be.) Then it was off see more animals. We saw baby pigs, baby cows, chicks, baby ducks, baby bunnies and more. It was so much fun to see the kids holding and playing with all the baby animals. They had so much fun and I was impressed with how soft they were with the animals. I have such good kids.

My girls holding a baby bunny.

Ben and Grandpa Newbry with a baby bunny.

After seeing so many animals we headed over to look at old wagons and tractors. The kids loved playing on them (especially Sarah's boys who LOVE 'Thomas the Train' and thought the tractors looked a lot like old trains, they did.) but I think the men enjoyed the old tractors more than the kids. They examined them and tried to figure out how each of them worked. It was not the most exciting thing to me, but I enjoyed watching the kids and the guys enjoy them.

The kids on an old wagon. Ben, Gracie, Sarah, Hannah, Travis, Trenton!

Hannah taking a walk with Grandpa Gass. We were so happy to have both sets of Grandparents with us.
After the tractors we went to ride the horses. The kids had been waiting all day to ride the ponies and nothing was going to stop them. The line was long, but with a little help from some kettle corn bought by Grandma Gass it went by quickly. Though the line really wasn't that long, Hannah decided it was time to ride the horses even though we were still a few groups away. When no one was watching her she walked up to the front of the line and got herself a helmet. She was standing in the front of the line, with her helmet on, waiting patiently for her turn when we found her. It was very funny and very cute, a little scary that she wandered off, but really cute at the same time. When our turn finally came the kids had a great time on the horses (well everyone except Travis who was mad that Ben took his horse even though Ben didn't know he had taken Travis' horse.)

The kids waiting patiently, with their helmets on, for their turn on the horses.

Sarah Kate had a blast and was soooo happy that she got to ride the biggest horse.

I think Ben may be concentrating hard on his pony ride.

The little girls shared a pony and had a lot of fun.

After the horses we noticed the weather was starting to turn bad. We decided to take a few more minutes and go into some of the old stores. One store was full of reptiles from little turtles, to HUGE turtles, to snakes. They had a large python that they were letting kids hold. I paid the dollar and let Ben, Sarah, and Travis hold the Python. They thought it was great and Sarah commented that it was really heavy. I'm proud of them for holding it.

The kids with the snake. It was so big and I was so proud of them for not being afraid.
After the store with reptiles we stepped outside and was hit by a strong smell of rain. Dark clouds were forming and it was raining in the distance. First we stopped to take a picture with the Easter Bunny and then we made a quick dash to the car before the rain came. It was a great day and I believe everyone had fun. Baby animal days is so much fun and has become somewhat of a tradition for us when we live here. It's our western activity to replace the Cherry Blossom festival and we love it.

With the Easter Bunny! Hannah and Gracie didn't want to get out of the stroller.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

How fun! It must have been wonderful to see so much family. And it looks like your kids enjoyed seeing all the different animals. Your kids are so cute! I love the picture at the very top.