Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Art of Procrastination

I'm choosing to label procrastination as an art, because, well I've always wanted to have some kind of artistic talent, but as I've gotten older I've come to realize that I really have none, so this helps me feel a little artistic. You see, I'm an abuser of the good old trait of procrastination. For instance: Gracie's birth announcements are still only half done and she's already 7 weeks old, Christmas cards . . . they're a dream that I'm still hoping will come true this year, but I'm quickly realizing it's not the most practical dream, and then there's the Christmas stockings I need to make. We bought the fabric and pattern the weekend after Thanksgiving and I still have yet to even open the bag. Aaaww, Procrastination. I may go so far as to classify myself as a habitual procrastinator which has become even more of a problem since marrying another habitual procrastinator.

My latest procrastination event actually turned out OK, but would have gone a lot smoother had we not procrastinated. Last Sunday Sarah Kate was sent home with a note that she was being asked to give a talk in primary. Of course this means we took the paper home, stuck it on the fridge, and every night commented to each other about how we needed to get her talk written. When Saturday morning came and the talk still hadn't written itself, we decided it was time to write it. Kenny, being the better writer, spent all morning writing the talk only to have it erased when word perfect crashed and he had not yet saved it. Needless to say, it was a long morning full frustration. To make a long story short (well semi short) Sarah Kate was up until 9:30 last night and spent 3 hours this morning before church working on it. To top it all off both Kenny and I had lessons to prepare. Now I had read my lesson a few times, but was no where near ready and Kenny hadn't even started his. The good news is Sarah Kate did a wonderful job and only needed help on a few parts. We were very proud of her and again (this was her fourth talk and the fourth time we've left it until Saturday) we were left wondering how well she'd do if we'd actually got it written before it was almost to late. Oh yeah! Our lessons did get done and turned out OK.

Hannah showing off her artwork.

In other news, the girls had a lot of fun coloring before dinner tonight. Hannah has discovered the love of markers. I have discovered the love of WASHABLE markers. She's becoming quite the little artist. Luckily she has yet to write on the walls or our new couch, only Cinderella's tight have fallen victim to the markers. Out of all the kids so far she's the one most likely to be found leaving her mark on something. Maybe this means she's got more artistic talent than her mom. :)

Yes, look closely, those are green teeth.


Camille said...

I LOVE green markers...they are awesome. :)

Anonymous said...

Katie: I love your blog and will look forward to reading it and keeping uptodate with you, Kenny and the kids. Hannah looks beautiful even with green teeth.