Look at the super cute sad face. |
My happy boy has been acting a little grumpy lately. He's hit the point in life where he wants to do EVERYTHING on his own. He has his mind made up about what wants to do and not do and if he doesn't get his way he gets really upset. When the doorbell rings if someone answers it and he wanted to, he throws a fit. If I'm dressing him and he wanted to do it himself, he throws a fit. If he wants to get his own cup and I get it for him, he throws a fit. I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the point. On this day, I don't remember what it was that set him off, but nothing I did made him happy. Watching his poor, sad face, I decided he was sooo cute and I needed to snap some pictures of him. At first he was mad at me, but then he worked really hard to make a good sad face for me. After it was all done he was much happier. Since then he has slowly been getting better, but it's something we're still working on.
A little mad that I was taking his picture. |
Here he is trying to make a good sad face for me. |
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