Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christmas Museum

All 6 kids hanging out with fake Santa. He scared the little girls, but when they found out he wasn't real they agreed to take a picture by him.

My in-laws came to visit on Christmas Eve afternoon. The kids have been wanting to go the the Museum of Idaho where they have Christmas display this time of year. We thought that Christmas Eve day, with both sets of Grandparents, would be great time to go see the cool Christmas stuff.

Gracie looking at some of the many little Santa's they had on display.

This was Hannah's favorite nativity. It was big and she could see the 'cute' little baby Jesus.

The museum takes gingerbread houses made by people in the community. This was the first one we saw when we walked in the gingerbread room. It was HUGE. I was very impressed.

The kids looking at a gingerbread community with Grandma and Grandpa Gass.

Hannah really likes the 3 wise men in the nativity story. She was very happy to see these life sized wise men and she really wanted a picture by them.

The museum has nativities from all around the world. Sarah Kate enjoyed looking at them with Grandma Gass.

Sarah standing by her favorite nativity.

After looking at all the Christmas stuff we spent a little time in the children's area of the museum. It's always a favorite for my kids.

Ben playing around with Uncle Ryan in the children's play area.

Adam hanging out with Grandma Newbry.

Hannah went right for the dress-up clothes. Surprise!

Daddy with Mr. Bat!

Ben! What a handsome boy.

Gracie having some dinner.

Dan enjoyed wandering around and playing with Daddy. He loved the tepee, it was just his size.

Before we left, each kid had to take a turn on the horse. Of course they wanted pictures.

Sarah enjoyed the horse. I'm glad she's not 'too old' for it yet.

Ben taking a turn on Mr. Horse.

Hannah had to take her dog Cassie for a ride. They both loved it.

Gracie loved the horse most of all. It's amazing she let anyone else have a turn.

Dan really wanted a turn, but once he got up there he wasn't totally sure about it.

Of course, we had to give Adam a turn.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Sounds like a fun museum! Your kids look so grown up...I can't believe it.

Hope you're all doing well!