Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas Jammies

The 5 oldest kids in their new Christmas jammies.

We were lucky enough to have Grandma and Grandpa Newbry be able to stay with us for Christmas this year (my family had to head home after the museum.) In 11 years of marriage it was the first year we've had anyone come to our house for Christmas. It was so much fun and we loved sharing our Christmas with them.

After our trip to the Christmas museum we came home, had dinner, spent time hanging out, and then it was time for Christmas jammies. This year our Christmas jammies came from Grandma and Grandpa Newbry. They we're so thoughtful to buy Christmas jammies for the kids and we are so grateful to them. We made the kids line up on their pillow pets and wait for their jammies. It was kind of mean of us to make them wait while we took pictures of them, but that part of the fun of being a parent (seeing the anticipation in your child's eye.) They finally got to open their gifts and they all loved them and have really enjoyed wearing them ever since.

Waiting patiently, on their new pillow pets, for their Christmas Jammies.

One more picture with their jammies before opening them.

Finally, they got to open their jammies. They really liked them.

Gracie and Hannah loved their jammies too.

Dan enjoyed opening his jammies, but he really liked his pillow pet too (this one's Ben's pillow pet.)

He may have been a little tired.

After being awake all day, Adam was a very sleepy baby boy. He slept through most of the Christmas Eve activities and woke up only after the other kids had gone to bed. We helped him open his Christmas jammies and took pictures of him.

Adam getting ready to open his Christmas Jammies.

Adam in his new Mater jammies. (I love the dear in the headlights look.)

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