Monday, November 30, 2009


We had a wonderfully peaceful Thanksgiving this year (well as peaceful as anything can be with a bunch of kids around.) Because of our resent almost job and then not job at all, Kenny and I were feeling kind of down and didn't want to go anywhere for Thanksgiving. We didn't want to spend the money and we just wanted to stay home with our family. My in-laws called up and asked if we would like company for Thanksgiving. They came Thanksgiving morning and brought Michael, Sarah, and their boys with them. The kids loved having cousins come to play and we enjoyed having company over and hosting Thanksgiving. I've discovered I enjoy hosting get together's and I hope I'll be able to do it a lot more.

It was a typical Thanksgiving with nothing special or out of the ordinary occurring. The best way to describe it is with pictures, so here we go:

Travis and Trent LOVE holding baby Daniel. Here's Hannah snuggling up to her best bud/cousin Trent while he was holding Daniel.

The boy cousins minus Zacky and Aunt Mindy's soon to be born Landon. I love this picture because they are all being boys.

When everyone arrived we broke out the cheese and crackers, candies, and other goodies. Thanks for showing us this part of the day Grandpa.

Everyone visited while Kenny and I finished cooking along with some help from Grandma and Aunt Sarah. I made rolls which are always a hit and Kenny made a pomegranate salad that was delicious.

Then it was time to eat. You know, that time you spend all day waiting for.
The big kids: Sarah Kate, Ben, Travis
Hannah and Trenton got their own little table. It was so much fun watching these two little 3 year olds enjoy eating with each other.

Gracie sat in the highchair by Mommy. It kept her from climbing out and getting in all the food. She did well and didn't seem to mind being in the highchair one bit.

Daniel's obviously to little to eat Thanksgiving dinner so he just bounced in his bouncer and watched all of us eat. He was a very good baby.

After serving all the kids, the adults finally got a chance to sit down and eat. I'm very grateful to Helen (my Mother-in-law) for cooking the turkey. It was delicious and never having made one, I'm sure I would have screwed it up somehow.

After dinner we hung out and enjoyed each others company. Grandma and Gracie sang and danced to Gracie's favorite song.

"How do you know, he loves you!"

Later that evening it was time to eat Aunt Sarah's delicious pies. This time Hannah was joined at her little table by Grandma. What a special treat that was!

We played games! Here's Aunt Sarah teaching the big kids to play Rummikub after the adults were done playing it.

And of course we just had fun hanging out together. It was a great Thanksgiving. We missed everyone we didn't see, but we were very grateful for Grandma and Grandpa's call and that everyone was willing to come see us.

1 comment:

Justin and Coralie said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the job, but I'm glad you had family around. It definitely makes the holidays more fun.