Monday, November 30, 2009

5 Haircuts/ 1 Afternoon

Ben after his haircut.

We decided it was time Ben got a haircut. His hair was getting really long and so we once again took the scissors to those wonderful curls of his, hoping this wasn't the time they would not return. Luckily he still seems to have some curl left, but sadly his blond hair is turning more and more brown the older he gets, winter doesn't help this. Oh well! He'll be cute no matter what color his hair is, right!

All the hair we cut off of Ben's head. Yeah, it was getting kind of long.

When Kenny got done cutting Ben's hair and we decided the other kids needed their hair cut as well. We started off with the ones who have never had haircuts before, Dan and Gracie. Neither one of them needed much cut off, but they definitely needed the long scraggly's cut off. Dan was first. He had some funny looking hair, especially in the back. It was long in some areas and very uneven. Even though we didn't take much off, he looks a lot better.
All the hair we cut of Dan's head. There's not as much as the other kids, but it made a big difference.
Gracie was next and like Daniel it was also her first time getting a haircut. She sat very good while Daddy took some off in the back and on the sides to even it out. Both Sarah and Hannah's hair grew pretty even, but Gracie's definitely did not. It's still not completely even, but it's better than it was. It's also short now. She had a long spot in the back that would curl up into one ringlet. It started out cute, but the longer it got the dorkier it looked, so Kenny cut it off, even with the rest of her hair. It's short, but she looks very cute.

Gracie sitting still while Daddy cut her hair. We let her have a 'Daniel' (binky) so she'd sit like a good girl, besides it goes well with the messy face.

The finished look from the back. Short but much better and still a little curly.

Hannah was up next. She didn't need a haircut, but she was determined not to be left out. Finally after telling us over and over, "yes, I do need haircut," we gave in and cut it for her. It is now just above her shoulders and I think it's very cute. She loves it, but is disappointed she can no longer have a ponytail like Sarah Kate. Oh well! It'll grow back and it's cute now.
I just really liked this picture of Hannah. She has such a pretty face.

Cutting off the hair.

Hannah's finished, short hair. Sorry no picture of it dried and styled. I'll get one later.
The final kid was Sarah Kate and it was my turn to cut, Kenny doesn't want to cut short hair which works well because I'd rather cut long hair. Sarah likes long hair, but wanted it quite a bit shorter than normal. I didn't go quite as short as she asked me too. I knew if I went as short as she said she wanted, she'd be sad when I was done. Considering how perfect she thought the length was when we were finished, I think going shorter would not have been good.
Cutting Sarah's hair.

How much I cut off. Don't worry I evened it out. :)

So we ended up with 5 haircuts for 5 children. We had a lot of hair on the ground and in the garbage can, but we had 5 better looking kids as well. Everyone was happy and it didn't cost us a thing. Way to go us.


Carolyn said...

Way to go Katie! That must have been a busy afternoon. Your kids look great!

edsajadaha05 said...

Wow Sarah Kate's hair must grow fast! I keep waiting for our Hannah's hair to do something. It seems to grow so slow. I am debating cutting real short again. Hmmm.

Justin and Coralie said...

I'm so impressed! This is something I need to learn how to do ...