Monday, August 29, 2011

Our Own Airshow

On the 27th of June my kids were acting especially tired so I decided an early bedtime of 8:30 was in order for that day. So I had the kids come inside around 8:00 and we started getting them ready for bed. Just as I was about to send them downstairs, we heard a plane over our house. On Dan's birthday, the 23rd, we'd had a crop duster flying over the field behind our house and it sounded as though he was back to finish the job. As much as I wanted the kids in bed, I knew they wanted to go see the plane, so I allowed them outside in the PJ's to chase after the plane as it flew over our house over and over.

Ben and Gracie chasing after the plane.

Gracie and Hannah

Adam was in bed asleep, but Dan was terrified of the plane. It flew really low sometimes and the noise scared him. He'd grab on to me and bury his head in my shoulder. Sarah ended up taking him in the house because it was so scared. I guess it's good he was so young last year when we went to see the Blue Angels practice. The kids didn't end up getting in bed until 9:30, but that's OK. They (minus Dan) had fun and really, how often do you get your own 'air show' (as Ben called it) right in your backyard.

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