Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pass Of All Trafalga's

The biggest 4 on the frog hopper (a favorite ride for everyone.)
My sister-in-law Mindy called us in March with a great deal on the Pass of all Passes.  It's a pass that gets you into a local water park (Seven Peaks), an arcade type place (Trafalga) and a number of other things for an entire year.  She was calling to see if anyone wanted to take advantage of this great deal.  The deal was so good my mother-in-law decided to use the pass for the Newbry reunion this year.  We decided it would be a fun thing for our family so we bought one for each of us.
Ben playing mini golf.
They won't be professional golfers, but we had fun.
The water parks don't open until Memorial Day, but we still wanted to use our pass so on March 31st we decided to take the kids to Lehi to visit Trafalga.  It's a small arcade place with a few rides, mini golf, and laser tag.  Some of the outside rides weren't open yet, but the kids still had a blast.  I took Ben and Sarah golfing (they were the only ones who wanted to go) and, we'll just say it was interesting.  Maybe we should let them get a little practice with that.  Kenny took the oldest 3 to do laser tag and they absolutely loved it.  I think that was the highlight of the day for them.  The little kids love the airplanes and the Frog Hopper.  It's definitely not an all day activity, but we stayed for 2 or 3 hours and had a lot of fun.  We're excited to go back in the summer when the other rides open up.

Dan loved the airplanes.

Hannah had fun on the airplanes too and was a good helper for Adam.

All 6 kids on the Frog Hopper.  Man that's a lot of kids.  We only had 1 seat left over after all my kids got on.

Adam's favorite ride was the Frog Hopper.  Can you tell?

Dan liked it too.  Especially when he was sitting next to Ben.

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