Saturday, November 30, 2013

Gracie's 6th Birthday

Happy Birthday Gracie Grace

Gracie turned 6 on October 19th and what a day it was. Her birthday happened to fall on a Saturday which was great. The kids were off track so it really didn't matter if she was in school or not. The day started out normal, but when naps were over we started the party. She got a few presents and enjoyed opening them up. When present opening was done and she had an opportunity to play with them for a while, we headed up into the mountains to try and take a few pictures of the kids. We got a good picture of Adam and one of all the kids. We then headed over the mountain to Park City were we had a pizza dinner. It was a fun day for a very excited and happy 6 year old. 

I love having Gracie in our family. She is such an energetic, fun and loving child. She can be a handful, but really, I wouldn't trade her for anything. I've loved watching her grow and I'm so excited to see what she becomes the older she gets. 

Opening her new Lego's
She was so happy to get a Monster High doll like her older sisters.
She loved here new Skylanders Giant the most.

Opening her Skylander

Eating pizza in Park City

Gracie really enjoyed going out for pizza for her birthday.
Adam enjoyed his pizza.

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