Thursday, January 19, 2012


All the kids making turkey's.
We had another low key Thanksgiving this year.  It seems as though we're getting good at those low key events.  My family was celebrating the holiday in California with my Aunt and Uncle and their kids and my in-laws were in Denver with my brother-in-law's family, so we were on our own.  It was nice to spend a quite day at home.  I miss the family get together's that Thanksgiving always brought me as a child, but I also enjoy the simplicity.

We started our Thanksgiving day out by making our cookie turkeys from last year.  The kids enjoyed making a huge mess and making all sorts of crazy turkey concoctions.  It was a lot of fun and I'm pretty sure we now have a Thanksgiving tradition.  Not much happened the rest of the day.  We played around and then had a simple Thanksgiving dinner.  Kenny doesn't like turkey and I'm fine with that so ham it was again this year.  I didn't cook as much as I did last year because we never eat it all.  I did freak out over the sweet potatoes and Kenny had to send me to timeout, but other than that it was a great day.

The boys hard at work.

Little girls taking time out of turkey making to smile for a picture.
Adam didn't care much for the turkey's, but he loved the cookies.

One of Gracie's turkey's

Hannah proudly showing off her turkey.

Sarah's turkey.

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