Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Another Tinkerbell Cake

Gracie's Tinkerbell cake.
Sarah was 'helpful' and put the candles in before I got a picture.

Gracie couldn't decided what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday. Hannah was full of suggestions, "I want a castle cake." Me: "It's not your birthday." Hannah: "Well then Gracie wants a castle cake." Gracie: "No I don't." We went through this with all the suggestions Hannah had. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I suggested cakes for Gracie and she finally decided on and Tinkerbell cake. This was very good for me because I had made a Tinkerbell cake for Sarah Kate when she turned 6. We still had the cake pan and so I didn't have to go buy one.

Waiting patiently for her cake.

Eating cake and ice cream.

Gracie was very happy with her cake and was very excited to eat it. She asked me about 25 times during the day if it was time to eat cake. Finally after the presents were opened it was time for cake. We lit the candles, sang and then Gracie blew out the candles with a lot of help from Ben. Ben got in trouble and we lit the candles again for Gracie to blow out by herself.

Blowing out the candles with Ben's help.

Gracie kept burning her forehead while trying to blow out the candles. This is how she fixed that.

When it came time to cut the cake, Gracie knew exactly which part she wanted, the hair. Everyone got their chosen part of Tinkerbell's face and enjoyed eating it. It was a great end to a wonderful 3rd birthday.

Eating birthday cake the Newbry way.

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