Monday, June 29, 2009
Daniel and the ER
When we got there they took Daniel back as soon as we arrived. They took his temperature, listened to his heart and lungs, and hooked him up to find his pulse. Everything looked fine and from what they could tell he was healthy. They had me feed him and then observed him for an hour. At that point he still hadn't spit up any more blood so they decided to send us home, telling us if he spit up more blood to bring him back. We were relieved that he seemed to be fine and went home, took a nap, and went about the rest of our day. I made dinner and after dinner I went back to the bedroom to feed Dan again. Hannah saw him first and told me Daniel spit up yuckies. I looked at him and sure enough he had spit up some black, mucus stuff.
I called Kenny in again and we decided to call the doctor. They told us that he shouldn't be spitting up anything but milk and that we should take him back to the ER. So again, we called another neighbor to watch the kids and took Dan back to the ER. This time it took awhile for them to see us, but when we finally got back they decided to run some test to make sure Dan was fine this time. Kenny had to go back to the other kids so he left me there to find out what was going on with Dan. They drew some blood, took some x-rays of his tummy and then we sat and waited for the results. After awhile they came and asked for the bloody blanket from earlier. They ran some tests on the blood and determined that it was my blood and not his that he had spit up.
So much was explained when they determined this. The knot in Dan's umbilical cord had cut off his oxygen and blood supply during delivery, so to survive he had tried to start breathing early. Instead he just ended up ingesting fluids. Newborns don't have stomach acid so the blood he swallowed just sat in his stomach for those first three days until he finally spit it up. That's why it was still bright red, which is what really scared us. They told us we may see some more as it moves through his system, but not to worry.
We were so relieved that he was OK and that all his parts were in working condition. The x-ray came back normal and his blood count was actually higher than normal. We have a very healthy baby boy and there is nothing for us to worry about. What a relief that is. We love this little boy, but he has been quite worrisome. I much prefer to bring my babies home and have no issues. We're happy Dan's healthy and we're grateful to our wonderful neighbors who helped us out when we needed them. Needless to say we didn't get anything done that day, but we found out Dan's OK so that what really matters.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Daniel Days 1 and 2

Grandma Newbry and baby Daniel

Sarah, Hannah, Trent, and Travis looking at baby Dan.
Our Mommy/Daddy dinner provided by the hospital (the flowers are from my Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law Sarah)

Dan in his car seat getting ready to leave the hospital

Dan chilling on the changing table

Aunt April holding Dan with Hannah and cousin Carly looking on.
The kids have all taken quite nicely to baby Dan. They want to hold him all the time and they all rush to his side when he cries. Hannah has proven to be the best big sister ever. She is always kissing Daniel and loves to lay on the bed next to him and watch him sleep. She cleans his face when he spits up and the first thing she has done every morning since we got home from the hospital is give Dan a kiss good morning. Gracie has also decided to like him. She's fascinated with his little hands and loves to rub his hairy head. Ben and Sarah are busy doing what they always do, but they love to hold Daniel and are very curious about everything he does. We are so blessed to have 5 wonderful kids who all love each other very much. It may be a lot of kids, but they're all great and they get along so well. We are truly blessed.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Daniel Truman Newbry

Purple faced Daniel just after birth.
We quickly discovered what had been the issue and just how lucky we were that he was born alive. Sometime while he was still able to move inside of me, he managed to make a figure 8 knot out of his umbilical cord. Knots in the umbilical cord are common, but not figure 8 knots. Dr Leavitt said he's delivered 3000+ babies and has never seen a figure 8 knot. He said he's heard of about 13 cases of figure 8 knots and of those all but about 3 of the babies were not born alive. Because the large knot pulls tight during delivery it can cut off the flow of blood to the baby and can in turn cause a stillborn baby to be born. I don't know why we were so lucky, but I'm so grateful that we were. It's scary to think that if I had not been induced when I was and if we had waited until my due date or a few days later, the extra weight he would have gained could have been enough to cause too much strain on the umbilical cord, and could have caused him to die. The placement of the knot may have saved him or maybe it was my ability to push him out in a somewhat timely manner. I don't know exactly what it was that made us so fortunate, but we are constantly counting our blessings that he was born alive and healthy.
The figure 8 knot in Daniel's umbilical cord (sorry if this is gross to you)
Dr. Leavitt and Daniel. We are so grateful to Dr. Leavitt for delivering our son alive and healthy.

Grandma Gass and Daniel

Mommy and Daniel just after he was delivered.

Ben holding his new baby brother.

Hannah loves holding Daniel.

Sarah Kate holding Dan with Hannah close by.

Sleeping baby Dan.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tuesday's the Day

Here's Hannah. She had a blast.
Yesterday was mostly a hard day for me. I spent most of the morning and early afternoon feeling very pregnant and not so comfortable. I did, however, manage to finish the basement and then spend some time with the kids. Around 4:00, just after Kenny finished mowing the lawn, the rain started coming down. It poured like the rainstorms I remember in Virginia. It was about 15 minutes of pouring rain that made the driveway a river and made for some great fun for the kids. Ben and the little girls put on their rain jackets and went tromping in the rain (Sarah was so cold to go out.)
When the rain stopped we decided to go grocery shopping so we got all the kids in the car and headed out. On the way to the store we found a street with a huge puddle that Kenny just had to drive through. We found 2 teenage girls who had tried to go through the puddle too quickly and ended up flooding their engine. Kenny helped them look at their car, it never did start working again, and I decided to let the kids out to walk in the water. I should have know they wouldn't just wade, but would be wet within a few minutes. Ben was the first one wet when he tripped and fell on a piece of wood floating in the road. After that we decided to just let the kids play in it for awhile. We walked up and down the sidewalk and watched the neighborhood kids riding their bikes and rowing down the street in their row boat. We stayed for about a 1/2 and hour and had a blast playing in the big puddle. By the time we were done Gracie's diaper was very full and everyone was very happy. It was a fun experience, one you don't get very often in Idaho. Because the kids were all so wet, we took them home to get dry clothes and then headed to the grocery store. Who knew a trip to the grocery store could be so fun.
Today involved another trip to the library and hopefully I'll get some weeding done after naps. It's a beautiful sunny day out and I think all of us are looking forward to being outside again. We're all very excited for baby number 5 to arrive and we're trying to keep ourselves busy until then. On a side note, yesterday at breakfast I asked Ben to say the pray. In his prayer he said, "and bless the baby that he will come out safe and bless all of us that we can hang on until he comes." I thought it was very cute and a very grown-up thing to pray for. I guess he's ready for the baby to get here also.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A Week of Little Outings
Thursday we decided to get some shopping done that we wanted done before the baby comes. We went to a few different stores and then headed over toward Best Buy. They were having a huge RV showing in the parking lot of Best Buy and because we're soooo in the market to buy an RV right now we decided to check it out. It was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast running from RV to RV climbing in each one and exploring it. The staff was great and let us look at all we wanted and were very happy to have the kids around as well. We've never really been camper people (we like camping in our tent), but they had this smaller camper that slept 8 people and was the coolest camper we'd ever seen. It was the perfect size, not too big, not too small and most importantly it slept all 7 of us plus 1 more. It was perfect. Ben wanted to buy it so we told him he needed to get a better job than just his chores. So far he hasn't made any effort to do so. After viewing the RVs we splurged and went out for ice cream. It's been so long since we've done anything like that that it was just so nice. It was such a great evening with our little family. After evenings like that I feel so blessed to have the family I have.
Friday was about Sarah Kate. It's been a long time since Sarah got a Mommy and me day and we figured we should get it done before the baby comes. So, I took Sarah to see the Hannah Montana movie at the dollar theater. She claims to love Hannah Montana, but doesn't know much about her. The show comes on after she goes to bed so she doesn't get to watch it very often. She knows some of the songs, but nothing like other girls. She was still, however, very excited to go to the movie. She was kind of bored during the first half, but really enjoyed the last half. I was actually surprised with the show. It wasn't anything I'd watch on my own, but it was entertaining. After the show we went to the craft store where Sarah bought herself a Webkinz with her allowance. She's been wanting to do this for a long time so this was definitely a treat. We followed that up with lunch at IHOP. It was a great outing for Sarah Kate and she loved being with just Mommy. Before we went home I needed to pick up a few things at Walmart. I'm always amazed at how much my kids love going to Walmart with just me and them. It's such a treat for them. Sarah enjoyed pushing the cart and having all my attention going to just her. By the end of Walmart I was pretty well shot. I hadn't slept well the night before thanks to little no name and Gracie and my body was starting to cramp trying to let me know I needed a break. We headed home and spent the rest of the evening being lazy. It was a great day and Sarah loved it. The other kids missed her terribly, but she loved it and I'm glad she got her special time.
Saturday was supposed to be a scouting for pictures day, but it turned out to be much more. We wanted to drive up to Island Park to see if there was a good place to take pictures of the kids and we ended up doing more than we planned. I'll save that for another blog though. We had some wonderful adventures this week and we've decided we need to do a lot more of the little things. Just getting out for little trips around town can help cheer everyone up and helps bring our family together. I'm so blessed to have my kids and my husband and I enjoy spending time with them, their so much fun.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Shuttles and Lame Trains

Even though it was lame I wanted a picture of the kids in front of the train. Gracie was not cooperating, and Hannah wouldn't sit unless I was with her. We never did get a good picture, but I guess that's fitting for the outing.
Brigham, Logan, and the Aquarium

Sarah Kate touched one of the sting rays, but didn't like the slimy feeling. We tried to get her to do it again for a picture, but she didn't want to feel it again. This is as good a picture as we could get.