Gracie - 6 month (OK, 7 months)
Hannah Beth - age 2
Benjamin James - age 4
Sarah Kate - age 6
(Sarah gets a bonus shot because she's just looked so beautiful with this shot cropped down)

Hannah Beth - age 2
Benjamin James - age 4
Sarah Kate - age 6
(Sarah gets a bonus shot because she's just looked so beautiful with this shot cropped down)
Sarah Kate after her first slide. She may have thought she was wet then. Good thing she didn't know just how wet she was going to get!
Ben surfing it! The water was a little chilly for him and he prefered to stay off his belly.
The water may have been cold, but the belly was the best and fastest way to go.
Ben even took to the belly a few times. Obviously it was worth it, look at his face!
Hannah on the other hand, just couldn't see the fun in getting in cold water to slide down a hill that you couldn't control yourself on. . .
Riding on Daddy's back, now that was a different story. This way she stayed dry and didn't have to worry about turning backwards.
Next we went to the farm house. It was only opened from 10:00 until 12:00 so we had to take a break in the middle of seeing the animals to make it to the house. Oddly enough when we got inside the house we discovered 2 sister missionaries. Apparently the farm house is only open 2 hours a day because the sister missionaries volunteer time there. We were pleasantly surprised and were very happy they volunteered time there so we could see it.
Fighting with Lincoln Logs in the farmhouse.
Playing dress-up, with friend Audrey Hobbs, in the farmhouse.
Next we went to see more animals. We got to see ducks, bunnies, more goats, and chickens. For some reason Hannah was scared to death of everything except the chickens.
She loved the chickens and even got out of the stroller to stand next to them. This was the beginning of a happier Hannah.
Next we went to see the big pig. He was huge and so was his smell. Ben found some rye plants nearby that he thought were so cool and he just had to go tromping through them. Of course if one kid goes through the weeds they all have to. Soon we had 10 little kids tromping through rye plants. It was much better than smelling that stinky pig.
Hannah was still out of the stroller and she enjoyed the rye plants up until she stepped into a puddle of mud. This happened to be at the exact time I tried to take a picture of her. It soured her mood for awhile, but she got over it.
The last thing we did before lunch was take the wagon ride. This was something Ben really, really wanted to do, but they were having trouble with the preschool groups that were there. We lucked out on our walk back to have lunch when we heard the wagon driver announced that they would be doing their only none preschool wagon ride in 5 minutes. Ben was so excited. He loved the ride and talked none stop. Poor Mr. Steve, the wagon driver, had to answer all Ben's questions and listen to all his comments.
It was a great day at the farm. The kids got to see some animals, visit an old farmhouse where they played Lincoln Logs, and played dress-up, play in rye plants, and go for a wagon ride. Life on the farm is great.
Playing in the grass at lunchtime.
Bubble Princess
Hannah has discovered a love for bubble baths. She has always been a big fan of taking baths, but she never like bubble baths (she was afraid of the bubbles.) However, recently Ben's been asking for them and she's been OK with them. Maybe it's because she's finally feeling better. Whatever the reason, she enjoys them and I thought this picture was oftely cute.
Star Wars Lego Video Game
Need I say more. I bought this game for Kenny awhile ago, and the kids just love it. Ben wakes up in the morning and the first thing he asks is if he can play Star Wars Lego Video Game. I'm not a huge fan of video games (they're too easy to get addicted to) but I don't mind if the kids play them every now and then. Besides, they have to work together, and don't they look cute sitting there together.
The kids with the Mothers Day gifts they made in church. Flowers from the primary kids and a scribbled on picture from Hannah.